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While we are apart we have assembled some resources for you.

Please visit our website and our church Facebook page often to keep up-to-date on the latest parish information.  Please join us in praying for all who are suffering from illness or disease of any kind, and for an easing of the tension caused by this situation. 


Update: On April 2, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio continued the suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses and Liturgies through and including, Sunday May 3.  See updated statement below.

April 2 Statement From Ohio Bishops

On March 16th, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio suspended all publicly celebrated Masses and Liturgies through Easter. During the suspension, a private daily Mass (close-door) will be broadcast from St. Peter in Chains Cathedral each morning on the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's Facebook Page and Website.

Statement from Ohio Bishops

You can also choose to participate in Mass at Bishop Robert Barron’s chapel at and on the EWTN network. 

You can also listen to the daily Mass on Sacred Heart Radio at station 740AM dial at 12:00 Noon.

Since we are unable to receive Holy Communion during this time, you can make this prayer of Spiritual Communion, a source of grace in the midst of difficulty:

My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Parish Specific Information

Our weekly bulletin can be found at or by selecting the Bulletin button on the Home page.

In case of serious illness or death, or if you know someone in need of anointing, please call (513) 608-0201.

If you would like to pray privately in the St. Anne Chapel, please contact the Parish Office for a time. Times will only be offered during the hours of 9 a.m. to Noon when available. You are asked ot set up a time before coming so that we can ensure that people are not in contact with one another. Sanitizer will be available so that everyone can keep the space safe for the next person.

Funeral Masses may still be offered. Attendance will be limited to asymptomatic family members. The group should be family members only and less than 20 people.  

If you are concerned about your church envelopes, you can hold them until we are able to return to weekly Masses, put them in the red mailbox on the porch of the Parish Office while you are out running a critical errand, or donate online via the link on the home page for online giving.

A Few Resources

Bring Faith HomeThe Daily Divina

The free daily email from The Catholic Telegraph that links to the readings of the day and offers a brief scripture meditation.

Parishioners can sign up here:

Resources for Parents

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati provided these helpful links for famiies to keep the Catholic faith alive during "Stay at Home" time.  There are plenty of fun activities and lots of information.

Bring Faith Home

Contact Us