Our weekly bulletin can be found at https://discovermass.com/church/holyfamilycincinnati/ or by selecting the Bulletin button on the Home page.
In case of serious illness or death, or if you know someone in need of anointing, please call (513) 608-0201.
If you would like to pray privately in the St. Anne Chapel, please contact the Parish Office for a time. Times will only be offered during the hours of 9 a.m. to Noon when available. You are asked ot set up a time before coming so that we can ensure that people are not in contact with one another. Sanitizer will be available so that everyone can keep the space safe for the next person.
Funeral Masses may still be offered. Attendance will be limited to asymptomatic family members. The group should be family members only and less than 20 people.
If you are concerned about your church envelopes, you can hold them until we are able to return to weekly Masses, put them in the red mailbox on the porch of the Parish Office while you are out running a critical errand, or donate online via the link on the home page for online giving.