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Current Families

We are glad you chose Holy Family School!  Here at Holy Family we believe we share with parents and guardians the responsibility of contributing to the spiritual, social, intellectual, and physical development of each child.  We look forward to working with you!


Checking Grades and Assignments

At Holy Family, we use Option C as one of our primary sources for communication with parents.  Not only will you find your student's academic performance, you will also find the Parent Student Handbook, the monthly lunch menu, the weekly newsletter and contact information for the faculty and staff.  Each parent gets their own secure login to Option C.  You can access Option C at

If you have trouble accessing Option C, please contact the school office at (513) 921-8483.


Tuition Payments

Parents and guardians are expected to make tuition and fees payments monthly from August 1 to May 1.  You can make payments in the school office, the parish office, or online via are secure, online payment system, Weshare.  You can access Weshare at

If you have questions regarding your tuition payments or need help to login to Weshare, please contact the Parish Office at (513) 921-7527.


Wellness Policy

Holy Family School promotes physical, nutritional, emotional, social and spiritual wellness of the students and staff.  Our Wellness Policy can be found by clicking HERE

The most recent WellSAT evaluation report can be HERE.  The WellSAT is a quantitative assessment tool used to help schools evaluate and improve their wellness policy. The US Department of Agriculture requires our school to complete this assessment every three years.  


Cafeteria and Lunch Policy

Holy Family currently qualifies for the Community Eligibility Program.  If Holy does not qualify, our policy is located HERE.




Holy Family is a CISE funded school.  We also accept the Ohio Educational Choice Voucher for grades K-8, the Ohio Jobs and Family Services Daycare Voucher (preschool only) and Cincinnati Preschool Promise.


AVERAGE DAILY MEMBERSHIP (ADM): The school's enrollment is 226 students which includes all students in preschool through eighth grade.


 Please contact the school office at (513) 921-8483 for more information. 

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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