Holy Family Parish Wish List
Gift Cards to Lowe's, Home Depot and Ace Hardware can always be used to help defer our ongoing maintenance costs.
Gift cards to Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, and Michaels for special projects like decorating for an event, making posters, etc.
Gift cards to Kroger and other grocers for extras for special events like our Lenten Soup dinners.
Gift cards to a local florist or cash donations to maintain flowers on the grounds seasonally.
Cash donations to repair a stained glass window in the church (est. $10,000 per window). Please contact our Business Manager at 921-7527 x106 to discuss.
Cash donations to repair our historical Koehnken and Grimm organ - FULFILLED - THANK YOU!
Cash donations to replace the church sound system - FULFILLED - THANK YOU!
Cash donations to replace rug on altar - FULFILLED - THANK YOU!