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You are Welcome at Holy Family Parish!
Holy Family News
Join us for our Fall Celebration.  Online or in person.

Join us for our Fall Celebration. Online or in person.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Join us online for our Fall Celebration this Friday night (11/20/2020) by clicking the link below. 

Seats are available to attend in person following CDC guidelines. Face masks will be required to cover your mouth and nose and all households will be seated at least 6 feet apart.

To attend in person, please contact Tony Bianco at or (513) 470-6863 in inquire.  You can also show up at the door on the night of the event if your plans change last minute and we will find you a safe seat.

The schedule is as follows:

7:00 - Welcome, Taize Prayer and song for global health and social justice

8:00 - Frist raffle, Alex Carroll playing Holy Family's historic pipe organ

8:30 - 2nd raffle, Yemani Schneider providing the music

9:00 - Final raffle - Grand Prize and $500 Amazon Gift Card

Thanks to all of our sponsors who made this night possible!

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Parish Mission Statement
Holy Family Parish is a multicultural Catholic faith community in East Price Hill and South Fairmount. We strive to grow as Jesus' disciples by following his compassionate and courageous mission, welcoming all in the Spirit of Jesus, Mary, and  Joseph, our patrons. 


Holy Family Church 
814 Hawthorne Avenue ▪ Cincinnati, Ohio 45205

Parish Office (513) 921-7527
Parish Fax (513) 921-6033

Office Mailing Address 
3006 West Eighth StreetCincinnati, Ohio 45205 
San Antonio Church
1950 Queen City Avenue ▪ Cincinnati, Ohio 45214
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