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You are Welcome at Holy Family Parish!
Holy Family News
Julie Bishop

Sign up to Donate Online

It's Simple, Safe and Secure

Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Which payment methods are accepted?

A: Contributions from checking accounts, savings accounts, debit cards, and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express) are all accepted.


Q: Do parishioners receive receipts for their donations?

A: Yes, all contributors enrolled for online giving will receive receipts via e-mail.


Q: What if parishioners feel uncomfortable not having something to physically drop into the collection basket?

A: We can provide printable donation slips that can be placed into the collection basket.


Q: Is WeShare safe?

A: Yes. We implement the safest security standards for online transactions and your privacy is protected at all times. We are certified with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) as a Level 1 Service Provider.


Q: How can I enroll and start donating?

A: Click on the link on the home page for Online Giving or call the parish office for more information.


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Parish Mission Statement
Holy Family Parish is a multicultural Catholic faith community in East Price Hill and South Fairmount. We strive to grow as Jesus' disciples by following his compassionate and courageous mission, welcoming all in the Spirit of Jesus, Mary, and  Joseph, our patrons. 


Holy Family Church 
814 Hawthorne Avenue ▪ Cincinnati, Ohio 45205

Parish Office (513) 921-7527
Parish Fax (513) 921-6033

Office Mailing Address 
3006 West Eighth StreetCincinnati, Ohio 45205 
San Antonio Church
1950 Queen City Avenue ▪ Cincinnati, Ohio 45214
Contact Us