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Holy Family News
Good Shepherd Becomes Holy Family "Partner Parish"
Julie Bishop
/ Categories: Parish Partnerships

Good Shepherd Becomes Holy Family "Partner Parish"

Good Shepherd Parish in Montgomery and Holy Family Parish are exploring becoming "partner parishes" or parishes that periodically get together from two very diverse areas of Cincinnati to share in special programs. They might invite Holy Family parishioners for a special event at their parish or we might invite them to an event at our parish, school or food pantry.  The ideas are still in the works.  It is not a formal partnership but an informal "friendship" which grows and changes over time.

Members of Good Shepherd attended Mass at Holy Family in March of 2017 and attended the Encuentro de Solidaridad activity afterward.  On May 24th, over 40 members of their 55+ group visited Holy Family for a tour of our beautiful church and a light lunch in our historic Gym Club Room.

We look forward to many more opportunities to share our faith with them.  Watch the calendar for more gatherings.  Look for the Category "Parish Partnerships."

Next Article Journey of Faith/Camino de Fe

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Parish Mission Statement
Holy Family Parish is a multicultural Catholic faith community in East Price Hill and South Fairmount. We strive to grow as Jesus' disciples by following his compassionate and courageous mission, welcoming all in the Spirit of Jesus, Mary, and  Joseph, our patrons. 


Holy Family Church 
814 Hawthorne Avenue ▪ Cincinnati, Ohio 45205

Parish Office (513) 921-7527
Parish Fax (513) 921-6033

Office Mailing Address 
3006 West Eighth StreetCincinnati, Ohio 45205 
San Antonio Church
1950 Queen City Avenue ▪ Cincinnati, Ohio 45214
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